Friday, August 14, 2009

Lucky escape for 7 youths in late-night incident

Seven youths had a very lucky escape early this morning when the small 7’ punt they were in capsized between Crosshaven and Currabinny. Valentia Coastguard received multiple 999 calls at 0052 after their shouts for help were heard by local villagers and live aboard yachtsman. Crosshaven RNLI Lifeboat immediately launched with RNLI volunteers Ian Venner as Helm and Vincent Fleming & Kevin Higgins as Crew. White parachute flares were launched from the lifeboat station to illuminate the area whilst the search continued. Two youths made their own way to shore and left the scene. The five other youths were rescued by live aboard yachtsmen as the lifeboat was launching and taken to the Lifeboat Station where they were treated for mild hypothermia. Lifeboat Operations Manager, Alan Barton said "This could very well have ended in tragedy this last night. The punt was heavily overloaded and only two of the youths had lifejackets - one of which had no gas bottle. Furthermore, going afloat after a night out is to be avoided."

He went on to say " Seven families this morning are sitting down to breakfast with their children……It was only by the very smallest of margins the outcome wasn't very different". Mr Barton also praised the two yachtsmen that launched their own dinghys and assisted in rescuing some of the youths.


For further information please contact:
Jon Mathers
RNLI Lifeboat Press Officer
Crosshaven RNLI Lifeboat Station
Co Cork


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Crosshaven Lifeboat in 3Hr Service

The Volunteer Crosshaven RNLI Lifeboat were paged this afternoon ,shortly before 1pm after a 40’ yacht sent out a Mayday Radio call after becoming entangled in nets approximately 3 miles south of Roches Point and near to the Cork Buoy. The Lifeboat was launched within 6 minutes and was helmed by RNLI Volunteer Con Crowley with Vincent Fleming & Denis Cronin. On Scene, the angling boat “Jon Boy” and the yacht “Papillion” were standing by the stricken vessel in case they were needed. The lifeboat crew cut away the nets holding the yacht to the seabed and took her in tow to Crosshaven arriving at 4pm, 3hrs after launch. The Yacht was on passage from Kinsale to Helvick Head with 2 persons on board.